Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm sorry to say that I'm not surprised. :(

From today's live-blogging update on Jameel's blog, The Muqata:

9:39 AM MUQATA SCOOP: As first mentioned on this blog at the start of the war, it is now acknowledged that Hamas terrorists are hiding in bunkers built under the Shifa hospital and are connected by tunnels to the rest of Gaza. The Shifa hospital was seriously refurbished and upgraded by Israel for the Gazan residents when Israel still controlled that part of Eretz Yisrael. Many of the terrorists are hiding under Building 2 of Shifa hospital.

Israel built these "bunkers" under the hospital originally as a basement and strong foundation for Building 2 of the hospital (which Israel built). It was meant for the laundry machines and other services.

9:38 AM Earlier this week, IDF uncovered an entire school (next to the Gaza zoo) which was booby trapped.

Re Gaza War updates, I copied this from Ezzie's blog, because he phrased it so well:
"Just . . . a reminder . . . : Jameel & Aussie Dave are live-blogging everything from Israel (with some assistance from friends to keep it going 24 hours a day). Jack is rounding up posts and articles from all over consistently (usually twice a day). The IDF Spokesperson puts out official summaries and videos here and there. And it's worthwhile to plug an amazing blog: An Israeli Soldier's Mother.


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